link Definition
- type CartItem {
- # Product description. Corresponds to the Additional name information in the
- # Commerce Assistant.
- String :
- # The cart this item belongs to.
- Cart :
- # Coupon code for a promotion associated with the product.
- String :
- # Long description of the product. This corresponds with Product > Images &
- # Content > Product and Marketing Content > Description in the Commerce Assistant.
- String :
- # Discount pricing.
- #
- # Arguments
- # includedDiscountTypes: Input to filter for specific discount
- # types only.
- DiscountPriceTypeEnum!]): [TypedPrice] ( : [
- # Discount information for the product.
- Discount :
- # Your internal product ID.
- String :
- # Maximum quantity of the product which a customer can order.
- Int :
- # Minimum quantity of the product which a customer can order.
- Int :
- # Monthly total price for the cart item.
- Price :
- # Product name used in customer communication.
- String! :
- # List of the operating systems that this product supports.
- String :
- # Pop-up information bubble that is used to display more information about a
- # product in the cart.
- String :
- # Unique ID of the product.
- Int! :
- # Small product image.
- ClientWebbinary :
- # Medium product image.
- ClientWebbinary :
- # Large product image.
- ClientWebbinary :
- # Item quantity.
- Int! :
- # Running number of the item in the cart.
- Int :
- # Short description of the product. This corresponds with Product > Images &
- # Content > Product and Marketing Content > Short description in the Commerce
- # Assistant.
- String :
- # The subscription settings of the product.
- ProductSubscriptionSettings :
- # List of requirements a computer must have to use this product. This corresponds
- # with Product > Images & Content > Product and Marketing Content > System
- # requirements in the Commerce Assistant.
- String :
- # Pricing information for the product after the discount has been subtracted.
- Price! :
- # Pricing information for the product before the discount has been subtracted.
- Price! :
- # Pricing information for the product after the discount has been subtracted.
- Price! :
- # Pricing information for the product before the discount has been subtracted.
- Price! :
- # Tax rate (percentage) applicable in the country.
- Percentage! @deprecated( reason: "Renamed to taxRate." ) :
- # Tax rate (percentage) applicable in the country.
- Percentage! :
- # Holds additional characteristics of the cart item as a localized string.
- String :
- }