Special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
link Definition
- type PriceConfiguration {
- # Price configuration ID.
- Int! :
- # Client to which the configuration belongs.
- Client :
- # Price configuration name.
- String :
- # User who created the price configuration.
- UserAccount! :
- # User who last modified the price configuration.
- UserAccount! :
- # Date and time when the product was created.
- DateTime :
- # Date and time when the product was last modified.
- DateTime :
- # List of price configuration items
- PriceConfigurationItem]! @deprecated( reason: "Items is split up into two lists. Please use productItems and productListItems instead." ) : [
- # List of product price configuration items
- PriceConfigurationProductItem]! : [
- # List of productList price configuration items
- PriceConfigurationProductListItem]! : [
- # List of price configuration lists in which the price configuration is used.
- PriceConfigurationList] : [
- # List of applicable price configurations in which the price configuration is
- # used.
- ApplicablePriceConfiguration] : [
- }
link Required by
- ApplicablePriceConfigurationPrice configuration applied to the product. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- CreatePriceConfigurationPayloadPayload for created price configuration. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.
- PriceConfigurationListnull
- ProductItem or service offered for sale.
- ProductListProduct list for which the notification applies.
- querynull
- UpdatePriceConfigurationPayloadPayload for price configuration update. Price configuration is a special pricing you can create for a single product ID based on a combination of regions, products, and languages.