
Item in the catalog.

link Definition

  • type CatalogItem {
  • # Id of the catalog item.
  • id: Int!
  • # The product of the item.
  • product: Product
  • # The product selection if the item.
  • productSelection: ProductSelection
  • # Parent of the item, if existing.
  • parent: CatalogItem
  • # Children of the item.
  • children: [CatalogItem]
  • # Position of the catalog item.
  • position: Int!
  • # ParameterName of the catalog item.
  • parameterName: String
  • # Group catalog item belongs to.
  • catalogItemGroup: CatalogItemGroup
  • # Date and time when the catalog item was created.
  • creationDate: DateTime!
  • # User who created the catalog item.
  • createdBy: UserAccount!
  • # Date and time when the last edit occurred.
  • lastModifyDate: DateTime!
  • # User who last edited the catalog item.
  • lastModifiedBy: UserAccount!
  • # Catalog of the catalog item.
  • catalog: Catalog
  • # Names of the catalog item.
  • displayNames: [LocalizedString]
  • # Descriptions of the catalog item.
  • additionalNameInformation: [LocalizedString]
  • # MetaDescription of the catalog item.
  • metaDescriptions: [LocalizedString]
  • # MetaKeywords of the catalog item.
  • metaKeywords: [LocalizedString]
  • # MetaTitle of the catalog item.
  • metaTitles: [LocalizedClientWebbinary]
  • # ProductDescription of the catalog item.
  • descriptions: [LocalizedString]
  • # ProductShortDescription of the catalog item.
  • shortDescriptions: [LocalizedString]
  • # Small image of the catalog item.
  • smallImages: [LocalizedClientWebbinary]
  • # Medium image of the catalog item.
  • mediumImages: [LocalizedClientWebbinary]
  • # Large image of the catalog item.
  • bigImages: [LocalizedClientWebbinary]
  • # Keywords that are appended to every URL generated for its category in the
  • # catalog.
  • seoUrl: String
  • # URL pointing to the catalog page.
  • catalogUrl: String
  • }