link Definition
- input JournalItemSearchParameters {
- # Maximum number of items that should be retrieved.
- Int :
- # Starting index for retrieving the items.
- Int :
- # Logical operator for search.
- LogicalOperator :
- # Input for ordering the result before applying the offset.
- JournalItemOrderByInput] : [
- # Id of the journal item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Accept payment.
- BoolSearchRelationInput :
- # International bank account number.
- String :
- # Date of the booking.
- DateSearchRelationInput :
- # User that created the journal item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Id of the financial account.
- StringLimitedSearchRelationInput :
- # Initiator of the journal item.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # If the journal item was created automatically or by the user.
- Boolean :
- # User that last modified the journal item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Notes of the journal item.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Payment assignment status of the journal item.
- PaymentAssignmentStatusSearchRelationInput :
- # Purchase amount of the journal item.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- # Purchase ID of the journal item.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Reason for transfer.
- StringSearchRelationInput :
- # Total amount.
- FloatSearchRelationInput :
- }