Input for create MVT campaign candidate.
link Definition
- input CreateMvtCampaignCandidateInput {
- # Name of the MVT campaign candidate.
- String! :
- # Set to false if the MVT campaign should not be active.
- Boolean :
- # Set to true if this candidate is the control candidate.
- Boolean :
- # HTTP referer pattern.
- String :
- # Notes.
- String :
- # Define a specific region for the candidate. This can be used to test different
- # designs or configurations in different regions.
- Int :
- # Define a specific language for the candidate.
- CheckoutLanguageEnum :
- # Define a specific browser for the candidate.
- String :
- # Create a destination URL for the candidate. You can either create the link in
- # Link Generator and copy and paste it here, or you can create the URL manually.
- # This URL is not visible to customers.
- String! :
- # Define a specific operating system for the candidate.
- OperatingSystemTreeElementEnum :
- # Define an additional parameter for the candidate.
- String :
- # Determines how often this candidate is used in the campaign. A higher number
- # means that more customers are given this candidate.
- Int! :
- # Select whether or not to restrict the candidate for affiliates.
- CandidateAffiliateSettingEnum :
- }