GraphQL GraphQL ENUM
link Definition
- enum ListTypeEnum {
- }
link Required by
- CreateProductListInputInput for created product list. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- CreateRegionConfigurationInputInput for created region configuration. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.
- ListTypeWhether price configurations were added to the promotion using an include or exclude list.
- PriceConfigurationListInputnull
- PromotionProductListInputnull
- UpdateProductListInputInput for product list update. A product list is a list of products you select and categorize for a particular purpose, such as product type.
- UpdateRegionConfigurationInputInput for region configuration update. A region is an area of the world you specify for shipping configurations, price configurations, marketing campaigns, and reporting of your products.