Input for creating a Tax exemption document.
link Definition
- input CreateTaxExemptionDocumentInput {
- # Contact information.
- CreateTaxExemptionContactInput! :
- # The document itself.
- File :
- # ID of the associated client.
- Int! :
- # Reason for the exemption.
- TaxExemptionReasonEnumGraphType! :
- # Date of the expiration.
- Date :
- # Date of the issue.
- Date! :
- # Notes.
- String :
- # State of the issue. State ID is a five- or six-character ID of the issuer's
- # country and state based on ISO 3166-2. It is required for Australia, Brazil,
- # Canada, India, Ireland, Japan, the UAE, and the USA.
- TaxExemptionDocumentStateEnum! :
- # Tax ID.
- String! :
- # Type of the tax ID.
- TaxExemptionTaxIdTypeEnum! :
- # Type of the business.
- TaxExemptionTypeOfBusinessEnum :
- }