Input for search parameters of a given product.
link Definition
- input ProductSearchParameters {
- # Maximum number of items that should be retrieved.
- Int :
- # Starting index for retrieving the items.
- Int :
- # Logical operator for search.
- LogicalOperator :
- # Input for ordering the result before applying the offset.
- ProductSearchOrderByInput] : [
- # Billing type of the product.
- BillingTypeEnum :
- # ID of the client account.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Internal ID of the product.
- StringExtendedSearchRelationInput :
- # Internal name of the product.
- StringExtendedSearchRelationInput :
- # Set to order the products by the date they were last modified.
- SearchOrderOperator :
- # ID of the product.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Name of the product.
- StringExtendedSearchRelationInput :
- # Status of the product.
- ProductStatusSearchRelationInput :
- # Product type.
- ProductTypeSearchRelationInput :
- # ID of the reporting group.
- NumericIdSearchRelationInput :
- # Name of the reporting group.
- StringExtendedSearchRelationInput :
- }